Photo encrypter is a mobile app designed to protect and hide your private photos, images, and pictures from your friends and family. This app is completely free. Photo hide free, Photo vault free, Hide private photo, Secure photo, photo security app, hide photos app, hide images app, hide images in gallery, photo hide app, photo hider and lock, photo hider from gallery, free photo hide app, photo hider app free, photo hider app to hide some photos from gallery, photo hide folder, hide my photos, photo vault, vault gallery, vaulty.
-Never worry that someone is checking your private photo on your phone.
-Secure your private photos from your friends and family.
-Prevent unauthorized access to your private photos.
-Make this app invisible, other cannot see this app in your app list.
-This app can hide your photos, pictures, and images and these will be vanished from your gallery and will be visible only in this app.
You can hide the photo encrypter icon that's why no one can access
your private photos, images and pictures and you can open it from
your dialer easily.
-Instant close button to close the app instantly.
Hide photo
Hide image
Hide picture
Share directly from app
Photo Vault
Image Vault
Picture vault
Secure image apps
Secure photo app
Secure picture app
Photoprotection app
Image protection app
Picture protection app
Make app invisible
Hide app icon
Photo security
Image security
Picture security
Open app from dialer
Easy to use